Russia (3)

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Dmitriy Lee and Oybek Tursunov: who is behind the fraud with Russian banks through Octobank?
The partners of the scandalous Uzbek bank are the Russian Transcapitalbank, Sber, the Uzbek exchange UzEx, the payment systems Humo and Paynet, and the Chinese service Tenpay.
Ex-policeman Olenyuk headed the business of the owner of the online casino network Maksym Krippa in Ukraine
Russian casino Vulkan, esports bookmaker GGBet, and a number of other companies of businessman Maksym Krippa are managed by an employee of the National Police of Ukraine, Ruslan Olenyuk.
Joseph Heit has been sentenced to prison for financial fraud in Luxembourg
Scandal surrounding a halted hyrdoelectric plant has seen Croatian journalists link the project to Sasa Svalina and brother-in-law Josip Heit.
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